A weekly round-up of all things GameGuru (from Bolt-Action Gaming)

My apologies for the late updates.  It's been an absolute nightmare dealing with some of my recent work changes so this has unfortunately dropped massively in priority.

GameGuru News

The Monthly newsletter discussed my book being available. Thanks TheGameCreators - I appreciate it greatly.

There's also a free version of GameGuru now, though it's a test version with a limited time of access.  Should help entice new users.

There were some minor fixes to the PP edition, which is essentially using the latest, most up to date version. Notably there was a load/save Game Stats fix which should help games that make it into production.

What's Good in The Store

Lots of new things are available!  One of which is of course some of the Cyberpunk Noir assets from my book materials!

If you are NOT a purchaser of the book but want some of the static assets (weapons are on the way, once I untangle a few things with free time I don't have currently) then feel free to purchase these! If you do own the book - hit me up on discord for a free code to download it.
Valentin321 put together this great looking motorboat:

There were also some scripts by corrosion, check his store page here: https://www.tgcstore.net/artist/221852

Teabone made some really well priced scripts as well: https://www.tgcstore.net/artist/45855

Sula made some great looking PBR trucks - https://www.tgcstore.net/artist/157895

Fredgames77 has put up some excellent cemetery models: https://www.tgcstore.net/pack/11153

Pasquill put up a really superb armored vehicle - https://www.tgcstore.net/product/33517

AlexGCC put a number of great models up but I really like his apocalypse truck:


Northern put out a very nice VIP model with a decent array of scripts and animations making it a good value: https://www.tgcstore.net/product/33528

And for 'most interesting/innovative' item on the store in the past month or so, we have Erart's impressively weird ghost mirror. You have to watch the video to see what I mean:

How cool is that?  Anyways, you can get your copy here: https://www.tgcstore.net/product/33521

Free Stuff

Granada made this fantastic free shotgun!

https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/221213  - get your copy at that link.

Tarkus 1971 made some pretty excellent music available for free:  https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/213190/last

Some great scripts found their way onto the net as well such as smallg's 'racing script':


And Amenmoses's 'cold breath' script: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/221215#msg2622148

Notably for me though is the Airplane script he posted to discord.  There's a video in the 'random acts of creativity' section of it.  It's really good stuff!

Third Party Tools and Tutorials

This week there's some interesting Russian Language videos (I love auto-translate) on YouTube for GameGuru:

And also:

Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs)

Amenmoses is working with Bod on making GameGuru into a flight sim.  This has to be seen to be believed at this link:  https://vimeo.com/366328897

Bonesy's Cyberfi updates look good but the colors are still painful to me.  I realize it's the style, of course, it's just hard for me to watch. That said, it has potential so hopefully he'll keep refining it.

I'm happy to see Honkeyboy has revived his galaxy-hopping game - https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/221222

While it lacks polish the core components look really great and I'm looking forward to seeing his future work on this! 

Dietara got some video updates.  This blog post is already really saturated though so I can't post much more safely - so here's a link to where you can find some more: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220994?page=1#msg2621936

In My Own Works

I want nothing more than to work on the GameGuru projects I have outstanding but between the end stages of a basement remodel, a new baby, work woes, and the myriad other things clutching me, I simply can't spare the time.  On my list of things I want to get done by the end of the year:

  • Some new script releases for the store
  • Get those @#$% weapons posted to the store
  • Make some new space skies
  • Work on my own game project

Lastly, thanks to everyone who has supported me by purchasing my book.  I'm going through some hard times right now and it's good to know that the year of time it took me to make that is seeing some use by more people than I expected.

Michael Messina (AKA Bolt-Action Gaming) is a native of central Pennsylvania, currently residing near York. He is a Linux Systems Engineer, part-time author, part-time Indy game-dev and full-time father. He is author of a start to finish guide for GameGuru via Taylor and Francis (via CRCPress).

This article represents solely the opinion of the author and does not reflect the opinions or views of TheGameCreators, its employees or its contractors.  It likewise does not reflect the views or opinions of www.tgcstore.net and its staff.  The author receives no compensation for this work, and it is done solely as a service for the GameGuru community at large.