
GameGuru Public Preview Update

Even though it's only been a month since the release of the Monster Update, we wanted to get a collection of small fixes and tweaks out to you quickly and so have prepared a Public Preview build which will be installed automatically when you next visit Steam and have the PublicPreview build selected. 

If you don't know how to select the PublicPreview build, simply go to the Steam client, select GameGuru, right-click the product name on the left to bring up a popup menu and select the properties item. From the properties dialog, select the beta tab and select PublicPreview from the drop-down list.

GameGuru Fantasy Pack DLC updated!
See your magic staffs rendered in glorious PBR when viewed in the first-person perspective with the updated GameGuru Fantasy Pack!
GameGuru Melee Weapons Pack updated!
GameGuru Melee Weapons Pack updated with a good old Tire Iron, a Homemade Scythe for your dystopian survival adventures and the Panga, a pretty lethal take on the machete!
GameGuru Donation System
Learn more about the GameGuru donation system and what's been developed so far with the funds donated......
GameGuru Enhanced Weapons Pack released!
Prepare yourself for a GameGuru weapons pack that will take your games to a whole new level, and rival any weapons pack from any games engine, anywhere!