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GameGuru Mega Pack 2 DLC Updated
The GameGuru Mega Pack 2 DLC update is out now and features improved PBR textures for 15 items including chandeliers, fire bowls and other metallic scenery decorations!
GameGuru Public Preview Released!

It's been a busy couple of months since we released the DirectX 11 version of GameGuru, both for improvements to existing DLC and collaborative developments to the engine itself.  To support the new physically based rendering engine, we have released two PBR asset packs and hope to bring you more soon.

To keep our momentum going, we're pleased to announce the availability of a Public Preview to the next GameGuru update, which brings with it a host of new features and core fixes to give everyone a little of what they want to see, including an improved FBX model importer which we used to import the two PBR models shown below.