Performance works continues…

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Welcome to another week here at the GameGuru towers! There’s been a lot going on behind the scenes and we’ve been making great strides forward. You can read all about our progress below, but for now, let’s take our regular look at what’s been going on in the galleries.


Snowy Mountain by Steven stood out this week, and we were impressed by the striking simplicity that still delivers a very realistic scene. We now hope he can evolve the scene into an interesting game and look forward to seeing more from this game designer.


Also this week, we were very pleased to find this screenshot from GDNomad, by using decal effects and the depth of field shader option, his game’s environment has a great rainy atmosphere.

Store News

The store continues to grow daily and we are rapidly approaching a new milestone of nearly 6,000 items available either for free or at great value prices. This week we’re going to take a look back at some of our older but still great quality media from a selection of our talented artists.


These excellent canal walls (shown with a selection of buildings from other artists) are by popular and talented store artist Dagored   and are a must have for almost all modern day or urban games.


This SciFi tunnels set from Kasseyus is another great pack that you might have missed, this crosses a number of genres and is great value.


If you’re looking for some new World War 2 media, you can’t go far wrong with this pack of vehicles from prolific artist BSP.


We actually featured this alley pack from KenCharlesLong a couple of weeks ago, but the artist has since returned to it and added a set of re-textures as well as some additional media doubling the size of the pack. If you’ve already purchased this don’t forget to grab these updates and if you’ve been wondering if you should buy, now is the time.

Become a Store Artist!

The Game Creator Store connects creative artists and musicians with enthusiastic GameGuru game developers. Can you create game ready 3D models or themed atmospheric music for the GameGuru community? If so, sign into the GameGuru website and sign up to HERE!

Twitch News

Dave “Ravey” Milton returns on Wednesday at 4pm GMT, to deliver another Twitch Broadcast  helping you to get the best out of GameGuru. This week he will be expanding on his series of LUA scripting tutorials, and will be explaining how to go about creating a 2D compass for your games.

Click on the image below to watch last weeks broadcast.


GameGuru News

After last weeks announcement that we will be upgrading GameGuru to DirectX11,  work has continued behind the scenes at a fast rate to complete the performance work and lay the ground work to make this a reality.

We’ve still not got any amazing figures to wow you with, or any eye candy to show off, but what we do have is about 70% of the core work complete and we hope to have a rebuilt version of the engine by the end of this week. Once we have it running within the office we will then be passing copies to our beta testers who have been patiently waiting behind the scenes and if they give our work the thumbs up, we’ll be able to move forward into the exciting world of DirectX11 and it is then that we expect to be able to start showing off all of our hard work.

There’s still plenty for us to get on with but we’re sure that you’ll love the results and thanks to you all for your amazing support during the long haul.

Signing Off

Well, it’s back to coding for us.  Hopefully next week we’ll be able to offer you some facts and figures as a result of all of our hard work.

Don’t forget our Twitch broadcast every Wednesday and we’ll be back next Monday with more GameGuru news.

The GameGuru team