GameGuru Release V1.121 - Happy Easter

We are pleased to announce the release of V1.121 which includes a number of fixes, plus a pre-Easter treat in the form of a complete Easter Game which you can now find in a new Standalone menu at the top of the screen.  See if you can make it all the way to the end and rescue the princess!  Here is a list of tweaks and fixes in this build:

  • Added documentation of PasteSprite, a new command to render sprite in LUA-time
  • Added new PasteSpritePosition ( spr, x, y ) as above but specify XY coordinate
  • Introduced new SAVE and LOAD menus to the Standalone Executable
  • Updated Save Standalone LUA scripts to use style.txt to indicate folder location
  • Added common fillgameslots.lua in titlesbank for central game slot handling
  • Added SetFreezePosition(xyz), SetFreezeAngle(xyz) and TransportToFreezePosition()
  • Save game position now stores; player position and player angle
  • Added code to delete zone markers if map.way missing in FPM file and testmap folder
  • FANTASY DLC : Added first person weapons for SWORDS and AXE
  • Added code to hide weapon selection if have no first person model (HUD.X)
  • Added code to not offer CAN TAKE WEAPON in character properties if no HUD.X
  • Added gamedata and restoregame LUA scripts to handle game state functionality
  • Game now restores game state from LOAD menu in MAIN MENU or IN-GAME MENU
  • Fixed issue of HUDs disappearing in standalone executable
  • Added 'Outline72' font to the fontbank for use in LUA scripting
  • Added 'noxzrotation' to FPE to deactivate XZ rotation on spraying this entity
  • Runtime Error Messages now use the TOPMOST flag so they are not hidden when shown
  • Added extra runtime information to CreateSprite when image number not loaded
  • When the DESTROY command is called in LUA script, entity health is now set to zero
  • Fixed an issue with multi-level games not saving standalone properly
  • Added new STANDALONE menu to IDE to host Easter Game + Easter Game Standalone
  • Removed limit on player 'grunts when hurt', now happens anytime, not last 25%
  • Externalized the Player Health Regeneration code into new gameloop.lua script
  • NOTE: Above architecture will help shift more hard coded mechanisms into LUA
  • Fixed issue causing nested ingame LUA menu to trigger invisible FPS warning box
  • Moved drawing of weapon HUD so HIDEHUD system not making it disappear
  • GameLoop.lua now included in Standalone Executables

Work continues on the V1.13 update which will include the Save/Load Progress feature plus another collection of tweaks, including new LUA commands so watch this space for more details. If you want to make your own Easter Game, watch out for the forthcoming Easter DLC which will be released to Steam at 6PM today. Remember this is a time limited DLC, which means you will only have a few weeks to buy it before it disappears along with the Easter bunny. Happy game making!